Saturday, October 17, 2009

Order of Operations

Since we have been working with Order of Operations this week, here is a video from reviewing the steps.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Building a "Tre"mendous Tree Map!!

The "Tree Map" is one of eight Thinking Maps that we will be using this year in 5th grade. Thinking Maps help to guide the students through their thinking processes. We focused our thinking today on "Multiples"-the dreaded 6's, 7's and 8's to be exact. The outcome was one very big success!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Design a Map

Over the last few weeks, the class has been working on our map skills unit. They have worked on mapping worksheets, wrote directions to various locations on campus and to wrap-up the unit they designed their own town. This town needed to include streets leading north/south and east/west along with a legend.
We have also been working on multiplication with large numbers and decimals along with division. For our multiplication lessons we have practiced 3 ways to multiply: traditional, area model and lattice method. Keep practing your facts!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to the 2009-2010 school year. Mrs. Peterson and I are excited to be your 5th grade teachers. We have already completed 4 weeks of school and we have been working hard. In Science, we have done our Popcorn, Penny Drop and Bubblegum Experiments. In Social Studies, we have been brushing up on our map skills and this week the kids designed a map of their own town. (Check back next week for pictures of maps) Also the whole school participated in our "Stay in the Zone" Pep Rally. This kicks off the school year and our Zone program. To participate in all of the mini-zone activities and the Zone Field Day, you must be referral free. Go Rockets!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Mrs. Peterson and I want to say thanks for all of the fun and laughs we had this year. We have had the privilege to watch you all grow and mature into great young men and women. Next year you will have the chance to learn and experience many wonderful things and we hope that you will take something positive from each new experience. We had a great time getting to know each one of you and see you succeed in various areas. We send you all our love and support. Don't forget to come back and visit us, we love to hear all of your stories.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Can You Do With 150 cm. Of String?

First, measure and cut two lengths of string. One piece 1-meter long and the second piece 50- centimeters long to be exact. Then let those creative juices flow and voila............ You get some interesting works of art!!

Ocean Zones

The ocean is full of a variety of organisms all living in a variety of different areas of the ocean. The ocean zones to be exact. What better way to learn about them then to explore the different forms of ocean life living there. We spent a week researching these areas and the unique, beautiful and down right ugly organisms living out in our oceans. It was a blast!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ocean Murals

For this activity the groups were to create an ocean ecosystem. They were to include populations, individuals and niches. The groups worked well together and everyone was able to help add to the poster. The posters are displayed on our bulletin boards and in the windows of our classes. We have gotten many wonderful complements on our murals.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Earth Movie

After our trip to the theater, Alexa and Alex wrote up a movie review. Also the classes created posters of what it would be like to travel with those animals and what items might be needed. Plus a few students wore Earth Day shirts for our trip. Check them out!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Einstein Club Winners!!!!

This week we also had our third Einstein Club lunch. Each week the class takes a science test based on the activities and vocabulary. The scores are totaled at the end of the nine weeks and the Top 5 students from both classes is invited to eat lunch with us and they get a special treat, Chick-Fil-A. This nine weeks Alexa, Elena, Laityn, Hannah, Kaylea, Daulton, Alex, Sonny, Breon and Michael joined us for lunch. We have one more nine weeks to go and we can't wait to see who will join us next.

Civil War and Poetry

This week the class was working on two different activities. In Social Studies we are studying the Civil War and they were to make a chart listing each sides advantages and disadvantages. After class discussions and group work, many of the groups realized that one side had significantly more advantages. Also this week we continued our Poetry unit and they were able to create a free verse poem. This poem was to be made up of 4 stanzas totalying 8 lines and they were to rhyme each line. Once they completed their poem, they were to illustrate them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

We are off to the movies....

On Wednesday, April 22nd, Earth Day we are going to watch the Disney "Planet Earth" movie at the Beacon. The movie follows Polar Bears, African Elephants and Humpback Whales for a year. Since it is opening on Earth Day, Disney is going to help out the environment by planting a tree for each ticket purchased. We are very excited to be able to enjoy the movie along with helping out the environment. The pictures above are triple venn diagrams comparing the three animal groups. As a class we watched the movie trailer and explored the website then the groups completed their triple venns. The groups were able to come up with a variety of details comparing the groups. Keep checking back for other activities!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vertebrates/Invertebrates and TV Shows

Last week in Science they worked with vertbrates and invertebrates. In their center groups, they were to design a mural that was to include mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, sponges, arthropod, mullosks and insects. They are currently on display in the classroom. Also last week was the wrap up activity for our American Revolution unit and they created their own TV show. They were given a famous person that contributed to the American Revolution. They created 12 interview style questions along with three props realted to their person. We were so impressed by how well many of the groups worked together and how their TV shows turned out. They did the performances on Friday and everyone had a great time!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Appetizing Adjectives

Our grammar skill of the week was the use of adjectives. Since they have been working with adjectives for years, we thought that a funny activity would make things interesting. So they were given a blank menu and were to create an appetizing adjective filled restaurant menu. They pretended that they were opening a new restaurant and that the menu was one of the most important tasks an owner has. After reading over the menus, we have to agree that we would love to eat at their restaurants.

American Revolution

We have been working on the American Revolution. They researched the Boston Tea Party, Minute Men, Sugar Act and other major events that occured during the American Revolution. The class did research one week and then used that information to complete a 12 sided figure. The dodecahedrons are on display in the class.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gift Bags for the FCAT

Last week we started the FCAT tests. In fifth grade we test for 5 days. Our students have worked very hard to prepare. Each year the Student Government tries to lift the spirits of those testing; grades 3-5 with a little treat. This year the members of SGA brought in new pencils for each student that were topped with a new cap eraser to use for testing. Bags of peppermints were also given by SGA to each class. For those of you who hadn't heard, the peppermint is a very important part of FCAT testing. Just pop one in your mouth prior to testing and your brain gets a kickstart to help unleash all the knowledge it has stored. Good luck to all those who took part in the testing!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Simple and Complex Machines

Last week we were studying Simple Machines in Science. They worked with incline planes, screws, wheel and axle, lever and fulcrum. After they finished with the Simple Machines, they were to create a Complex Machine that needed to include at least four simple machines. Many students designed machines to help them with everyday activities such as taking out the trash, washing dishes and cleaning up their rooms. Here are a few samples of student work.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

5th Grade Rocks the School

Today was performance day and did our 5th grade boys and girls do great! We were so proud of them and all the work they had put into the performance. From the "little people" to the big all had a wonderful time and were very impressed. The cafeteria looked fabulous decorated with the Black History banners, quilts and quotes the students worked on. What an awesome day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Black History Unit

Over the last several weeks we have been working on our Black History unit. The kids have been studying a variety of famous African Americans from Martin Luther King to Jackie Robinson to Katherine Dunham. They did research, watched movies, wrote summaries and made time lines. For the last two activities, they were given quotes from their person and had to illustrate them. Also they made a banner with important events that occurred in their persons life. The whole fifth grade have also been practicing with Mrs. Jones for their Black History performance. They are singing songs, playing instruments and some have speaking parts. We hope you enjoy the slide show with pictures of their banners, quotes and freedom quilts.